
Proposal  Management




Technical Project Management


Staffing & Mentoring



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Proposal Management & Consulting...

We can provide highly skilled proposal managers to work with your proposal team.  We have fully cleared proposal managers with many years experience that can be provided for the duration of the proposal effort.
In addition to our proposal managers we also offer proposal consultants that can help you through a particular part of the process like performing an effective RFP analysis, conducting a thorough competitive analysis, developing a winning offering, establishing and running a proposal center, preparing for orals, etc.

We have proven methods, courses, and people all focused on helping you win competitive solicitations.

  • ProjTech Senior Proposal Managers and Consultants have at least 8 years experience in developing business opportunities in a competitive environment and at least 15 years of technical experience in one or more technical disciplines combined with 5 years of business or technical management experience as a project or program manager.

  • They are skilled facilitators and team managers intimately familiar with all aspects of the proposal management process including competitive analysis (blue sheet development), proposal planning, RFP analysis, proposal team staffing and management, win strategy and theme development, storyboard development, assigning and managing volume captains, managing figure development, proposal writing, review process management, oral proposal development and preparation, etc.

They are capable of leading your proposal teams through even the most complex competitive solicitation in either a direct leadership role or as a guide and mentor.


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Copyright © 2003 ProjTech, Inc.
Last modified: 01/19/03