Writing Winning Proposals Writing a Winning Proposal ... Each and Every Time Writing winning proposals is an essential skill in today’s competitive environment. While your proposal alone cannot win for you; a poorly written proposal will certainly lose.This course provides you hands on experience in implementing best practices to make the proposal writing process successful each and every time.This two-day exercise intensive course provides an end-to-end overview of the proposal creation process. The course uses a threaded exercise to create a simulated proposal development environment in which you will deliver a compliant and compelling proposal. In doing so you will gain new skills and techniques you need to successfully create winning proposals each and every time.Course OverviewThe course provides an intensive overview of writing proposals from development of the tenets of your basic offering, through storyboard creation, through creating figures, writing text and figure captions, and final proposal delivery.The course is designed to familiarize you with best practices in proposal writing that you can immediately employ in your proposal creation efforts. The techniques covered in the course apply to multiple proposal types; unsolicited proposals, competitive response to an RFP, single volume proposals, multi-volume proposals, etc.After completing this course you will know how to write a winning proposal to ensure selection.Course FormatThe course is two-days in length and based on a threaded case study using a simulated RFP response.Interactive lecture sessions and discussion prepare participants between proposal development stages. The course is highly experiential to ensure students learn by doing.Who Should AttendProposal Managers, Business Development Managers, Capture Managers, Proposal Writers, and anyone involved in the development of competitive business opportunities.You Will Learn
Course Outline
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